"Jacob is determined, driven and intelligent. He is also insightful, has good communication skills and is passionate about every aspect of theatre and performance."
~ Keri Minty, Instructor and Choreographer
"I was most impressed, given my background as a professional Stage Manager, with Jacob's understanding of the entire production process and his eager participation in those responsibilities. His cooperation became leadership in the design procedures and big-picture scheduling. His organizational and communication skills were admirable."
~ Rick Rinder, Stage Manager
"Jacob is extremely dedicated to his craft and the process of theatre. He has excellent instincts and continues to expand his expertise and knowledge of the different elements of theatre.
It was this level of expertise that I called upon for the Launch Concert of my Actor-Musician theatre company in early February of 2020. I knew that I could count on Jacob to be my eyes and ears as we sound checked and blocked a full show with twenty performers in a new space within a 5 hour rehearsal call. I truly could not have done it without him."
~ Donna Garner, Artistic Director GTP
"Jacob took great responsibility through his role on this project. He was incredibly dedicated, available, and willing to accomplish whatever we might require of him to help the process run smoothly. He was incredibly well versed with the full scope and detail of this Broadway-sized production."
~ Lonny Price and Matt Cowart, Directors of The Louder We Get